One morning after breakfast Johnny ask, "can I go to the library?" Barbra his mother said "yes." Then he got $3 and went to the library.

After he got there he went to the desk and said, "can I please have a library card." He told the librarian mrs.Bundle. Then she got one and sneezed all over the card. And gave the card to Johnny then...

Johnny touched the card and put his fingers in his mouth and went home.

The next day Johnny did not feel good at all. He coughed, and coughed, and coughed. Then he sneezed and sneezed again. Barba said to JOhnny "You have a cold."

He spent all day in bed. With his teddy bear, named Tim. Over night his cold got worse.

In the morning Johnny went to the doctor with Braba. WHen it was Johnny's turn he saw Dr.bill.

Dr.bill ask some questions. "Do you cough a lot?" He asked Johnny. Johnny said "yes." Do you have a runny nose? Johnny said "yes" Have you been sneezing?" Johnny said "yes."

"do you have a slight fever?" Johnny said "I dont know."" Dr.bill took his temper, and Johnny did havea a slight fever. "well" said Dr.bill, "those area ll the symptoms of whooping cough."

Let me take a bit of snot from the back of your nose." After he did, the doctor said to Johnny, "you will need lots of rest." So Johnny went home and got in bed. The next day the doctor called and said JOhnny had whooping cough.

after Barba hung up. she said "I wonder how you got a whooping cough?" Maybe when the librarian sneezed, and I breathed in all the little droplets from the air, " Said JOhnny. "then you wil need to.." Then JOhnny sneezed "achoo!!!" "like I was saying"...Then JOhnny coughed. "Oh never mind," and gave the pills to JOhnny.A few weeks later Johnny felt great. And he was back at school JOhnny caught up with everything. and everythng was back to normal. His friend ask "why werent you in school?" "Because I had a contagious illness" said JOhnny. I'm glad your back said Tommy. Then the recess bell rang. ANd they went outside to play.
I dedicate this book to--people that have whooping cough.
Author Summary
Jack goes to ---elementary And he is 8 years old. He likes to ride his bike> And be outside 2011