I love Sundays..for some reason they feel longer than Saturdays..isnt that strange? We were busy this afternoon with our normal Sunday afternoon stuff, but one special thing added to the day, was going to see BalletMet's Nutcracker downtown. It was beautiful & so much for fun for all of us. I didnt take the camera, so no pictures to post of that. Imagine lots of snow, sugar plum fairies, dancing flower ballerinas, a theater filled with lots of excited little ones. Maddie couldn't stop asking questions during the performance. Her favorite character was the funny grandma in the beginning scene. Jack liked the fast dancing children.
I also made a version of the "Maple Rosemary" by Catherine Newman http://family.go.com/blog/catherinewman/maple-rosemary-popcorn-1008185/ My rosemary has withered away, so I didn't have any to add nor the cayenne pepper. I followed her recipe exactly minus those ingredients. The kids loved helping. Their favorite part, I would say was popping the corn upstairs:) I moved our machine to the kitchen for this recipe. & they loved melting the butter & mixing in the maple syrup. I thought it was going to be tricky to make, but it was easy & I think the popcorn came out yummy... a bit bland so I can see how the rosemary & cayenne could spice it up some. It was easy to put in containers..I reused glass jars from pickles & pasta sauces. Made a sweet little treat for friends & family.
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