Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Dear Me..

I've been reading a sweet little book, "Dear Me, A letter to my 16 year old Self" full of all kinds of people you may or may not have heard of, writing to themselves. This is my letter. Dear 16 yo Me.. Wow this is harder than I thought, writing back to 1990. Yes. I just did the math, & had to write it out. I do have a hard time remembering you, but I remember that we're not that good at math, are we? Especially when you are nervous and can't find a pen & paper. Unfortnately, that lack of math knowledge & frustration doesn't go away (or it hasn't so far) at 37. Yep, 37. Mom is only 36 right now..yes, i just did the math again. So I'm older than mom & writing to tell you that you are late bloomer..really late. I guess it's ok to tell you that despite not ever getting through algebra in high school, you will graduate college. You will even get a call one day that you have a teaching job at this amazing school. You should enjoy every second & consider keeping your teaching license renewed, just in case you decide at 40 to go back in the classroom. Life is always going to hold alittle worry over your head. At every moment in your life...graduation, marriage, every job interview & are going to be full of worry. I wish I could take that away from us..that family tradition. But you should know that you are a lot stronger & smarter than you think. ALOT! You don't marry Chip, but will never stop loving him. You will have a beautiful husband & family. They are going to help you more than you will understand. Spend more time with daddy. He likes it when you sit there with him, but just doesn't know how to tell you. Try to get him to stop smoking & maybe even you two could do that together. You'll both be better off. Soak up every happy moment and try to remember the details. Look around more, really pay attention to what surrounds you. Be nicer to your sister. She's struggling too. Know you can make dreams without a boy involved. Use condoms. Wear less makeup & don't worry about how skinny you feel. They'll make "skinny" jeans one day & you will still hate that word. Walk over to your Grandma Essie's house right now & just be with her. Take more pictures of where you live. You're going to miss that place a lot. Tell your mom you love her more & spend more time with your grandparents. Your're going to see how important they are one day & wish you had called everyday. Oh & if I were there with you right now, I'd love to take a blanket outside tonight & look up at the stars. You have one of the best views on the planet! Love, 37 yo Me PS. Can you believe that one day you are going to knit a sweater..or two:)

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