I remember those days when it was just Jack & I home a lot, when venturing to the mailbox was quite a thrill. A bigger thrill if a magazine awaited:0 Parenting magazines seem to find their way to your box like a missing child when you become a new mother, so I read a lot of them. How to get your child to sleep through the night, how to calculate how tall your child will be, all the stages they fly through that you hope they are mastering on time. I forget most of details of those articles & now realize just being more aware..more in the moment is the best way to learn about your child. But there is one article that I have kept over the last eight years..it's a recipe of chocolate chip banana bread. One of my favorites & one I have made a lot! Yesterday, I spied two mature bananas..the ones, John use to leave notes on that read "when i grow up, I want to be banana bread!" & thought they looked ready. The best part about BB is when it bakes, it makes your whole house smell like a bakery filled with yummy desserts. Jack & Maddie came in the door..grinning & saying "did you make banana bread?? YAY!!" Here's the well loved recipe that originated as "Mandy's Banana Bread" by Julie Green mother of Amanda, 4 & Jacob, 3 in Sarasota, Fl published in Parenting's May 2003:
3 overripe bananas
1 1/2 cups of flour
1 cup sugar
1/2 tsp baking soda
dash of salt
1 egg
1/2 stick butter
4 tbs m&ms of chocolate chips
Bake at 325 degrees for 70 minutes.
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