Monday, October 4, 2010


It's been a few days since my last posting. Our computer was redirected everytime I tried to use the internet & basically invaded with some type of virus that made it almost impossible to do anything online. Luckily, we didnt lose anything & transitioned over to a mini-Mac/Apple pretty easily. I'm totally sold on the Mac so far. Jack has been teaching us all the ins & outs..interesting how an eight year old can teach 30 somethings so much!

So I feel like I have catching up to do..last week was exciting with a new baby cousin born. Jaden Marie. She's adorable of course & makes me miss my babies everytime I see her. I hold her & think about how long ago & not so long ago J&M were that small & cuddly. J&M are pretty excited about her.

Saturday night, John & I went to see Blitzen Trapper. It was a great live show & a cool crowd. I'm glad I stumbled onto this group. It was fun to feel the vibe of a live show. This was one of my fav tunes..

I've started a couple new knitting projects....I'll post some pix this week. It's definately knitting weather outside today.

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