Jemma has melted right into our family. She's like the second child, when you can't remember life without them.
The other day, Maddie found a picture of Bond I had framed a long time ago. He looked like he was smiling. We showed it to Jemma & told her that was her brother that we wished she could've known. Bond was so much mine & John's dog, that I see now Jemma is becoming the kids dog. She loves sleeping with them & just paling around. Jack has started taking her for short walks by himself; which they both love.
Bond's playfulness that I see in Jemma now is something the kids weren't around for or were just too little to remember. So it's fun to see them build a relationship with sweet Jemma. They have asked me how old they will be when she's 15, since Bond lived about that long. Oh, let's just not go there, I think, starting another school year & being reminded of how fast life passes is hard enough. So yesterday, Jemma posed with Jack for the "first day shot." She doesn't like it when we leave or when one of the pack is missing, so I let her walk with us to pick him up. She was so excited to have him home again. & so was I. He had a great first day & the highlight so far of 3rd grade is lunch & getting to sit with old friends. Too bad Jemma couldn't come:)
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