Thursday, May 13, 2010

Turning Eight.

When May rolls around alot of memories flood my mind, some sad, some beautiful, but most of them cherished memories involving Jack & I. I became a mother in May; I lost my daddy in May; I left my career of teaching a classroom in May. It's just a month that always find me reminiscing, remembering so much.

This year, Jack will turn eight. I think back to 2002 when I was home anticipating his arrival, writing thank you cards for my baby shower gifts & trying to prepare.."nesting" I think it's called. Now in 2010..I helped Jack write his birthday party invites & find myself still nesting. I never really stopped. I have a hard time just sitting. If I am sitting, I usually have my hands involved in something.

So as Jack's birthday approaches..I think about what special something he would love to open from us on his 8th birthday. For so long, he was all about cars, anything really with wheels. Something he could watch the wheels go around & around on. This has always been soothing for him..still to this day, he transports himself to another world with cars/wheels. Then for the last few birthdays, it's been LEGOS. They became his new escape. But the LEGOS are slowly fading, much more than the wheels. & he's becoming more interested in books & his fascination of gadgets continues. He really wants a new he cant take apart for the fun of it, but one he can take real pictures with. He likes old things. One of his favorite things to do is go explore "junk" shops & we've found a few favorites we enjoy exploring.

I recently gave him my old 35mm camera from my teenage trips & it was so much fun to take his film to be developed, like I did so many times before. It's amazing how different it feels to take pictures without seeing the image instantly. Scary sometimes how our kids have a world of instant gratification.

So I'm thinking a camera will be just perfect for his 8th bday. Something I hope he will hold on for years to come & capture some great memories with.

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