Monday, March 1, 2010

March March March!!

Brand new month. The green goal this month is to make my own cleaning products. The recipes I've found online are mainly with three ingredients; lemon juice, baking soda, & vinegar. All you need are those & a few empty spray bottles. I'm learning that lemons can be used as a natural antibacterial, antiseptic & bleach. Who knew?? Supposedly lemon juice can be used for cleaning soap scum. This is the one area I am worried about sticking with for natural products..da da da duuumm...the SHOWER. Oh that is a monster to clean. I'm hoping I can avoid bleach & try the lemon juice. It definitely will smell better.

As for January & February's green goals..we are still going strong. John & I have enjoyed trying new recipes & vegetarian food we never knew existed. eg. veggie bologna. John is feeling better that TMI:0 I havent missed meat at all. I do feel hungry more often & try not to snack on just chocolate. It's been really easy when we cook at home. When we go do out, we try & eat places we really love. I'm still waiting for my favorite little vegetarian restaurant to reopen..remember my cucumber sandwich blog. Not too long after we discovered, Whole World, they had a kitchen fire & have been closed for remodeling. I cant wait to go back again.

February's gg was no paper towels.,this was alot harder for me at first. I was always really quick to grab a paper towel for just about thing. But I've gotten use to the cloth napkins & have been using old cotton baby blankets..the ones they send your baby home in from the hospital. They work great for cleaning up spills & bathrooms.

We watched a documentary last week, "No Impact Man". A story of a NYC family trying to live without making any negative impact on the environment. It was fascinating to see what they went through & how much they gave up. I dont think I could ever give up toilet paper & electricity, but they did. Slowly over a 12 month period they let go of lots of things. & they even had a young daughter. Made you think about what little things you can do each day to help our little planet.

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