Friday, February 26, 2010


Jack is doing a science experiment/lesson Monday for his class. We've had all year to come up with a good one & just recently have we really started looking. Honestly, science has never been my thing. 9th grade biology & it was all down hill after that. So I've been trying to push this project over to John..he did minor in biology. But it is Jack's experiment, right??..shouldn't he be choosing the project. He has some ideas about taking his balloon rocket car. But it's partially broken & the virgo/teacher in me has a lesson plan in mind.

I found this great website yesterday . It is so easy & fun. Wish Mr. Bob could have been my 9th grade biology teacher. He makes it seem so easy to understand. I like the fizz balloon & film canister rocket. Stay tuned to find out which one Jack chooses.

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