Monday, October 31, 2011
Friday, October 28, 2011
Thursday, October 27, 2011
Just in time
Now that the weather has gotten cooler & the rain just won't go away, I'm happy to report that I have a new wool sweater vest to keep me warm!! I never knew how warm wool could keep you. I always thought of wool as in those itchy wool sweaters from long ago. The secret I found from a fellow knitter/mom..thank you Katy!, is hair conditioner. Soak your wool in hair conditioner & cold water for a few hours. It totally works to soften the wool & shape the garment.
My Endless Circle Sweater (pattern found for free by Redheart) over at
Tuesday, October 25, 2011
Piles seem to pop up everywhere I turn....laundry, paperwork, fabric..if only I could sew better..that pile could get smaller. The most recent pile staring at me is our winter tub that I emptied out yesterday. What a pile!! It's October, too early for down coats & hats! But our morning walk to school is starting to remind me that I need to get this pile organized. So yesterday I spent some time sorting & organizing the fall/winter gear. I have a feeling it wont stay this organized for long.
Monday, October 24, 2011
Monday Muse
Monday gets a bad rap..I think. Everyone always complains about the Monday blues. Monday, Monday , Monday.. Stop complaining. Monday's are cool. You can reflect on the weekend & make a new start to your week. Also you can think of your Monday Music..what are you listening to over & over again. The radio doesnt count:)
Soon, I will be listening to Mylo Xyloto....TODAY is the release date of Coldplay's new album. My favorite song I've heard is Major Minus.."they got one eye watching you & one on what you do"
Soon, I will be listening to Mylo Xyloto....TODAY is the release date of Coldplay's new album. My favorite song I've heard is Major Minus.."they got one eye watching you & one on what you do"
Friday, October 21, 2011
Creating makes me happy..
Wednesday, October 19, 2011
A Message from Maddie:)
Outside & inside the chalk has been flying:)

Our chalkboard has been so fun for everyone. Maddie left a message to anyone who's interested.
In case you can't read the photo because of the flash..
"My brother rooks And his name is Jack. I (heart) U PS Never get meered. Thank you fro reeding my sentence.
Our chalkboard has been so fun for everyone. Maddie left a message to anyone who's interested.
In case you can't read the photo because of the flash..
"My brother rooks And his name is Jack. I (heart) U PS Never get meered. Thank you fro reeding my sentence.
Monday, October 17, 2011
Thursday, October 13, 2011
Sometimes I...
miss my old school & being in the classroom,
feel like a misfit,
wear the same clothes two days in a row,
quietly admire all the beauty I see in the morning light,
feel jealous of not being able to keep up,
wish I was better at a lot of things,
miss North Carolina sunshine,
feel proud,
miss my family so bad,
wish I could sing,
sing really loud.,
feel lost,
feel happy & content,
try too hard,
find old photos & reminisce
get the giggles
do too many things at one time
get pissed
feel confused..
Only sometimes..
Tuesday, October 11, 2011
Banner's Flying
My first attempt at a fabric banner.... The measurement was all improvised & I'm getting all kinds of tips from the rest of the gang! Hey, ..I like my banner:) It's in the playroom. Going to go for more spaces in btwn next time & longer triangles. Yes..I'm a bit of a perfectionist. More banners to come!
Monday, October 10, 2011
Sunday, October 9, 2011
With a little cork board & some chalkboard paint, John was able to make us a sweet little place to be creative! It's part of our basement staircase that needed a facelift. The wall already had a cement shelf that he used wood floor pieces to make a shelf for the chalk & he even framed it out for me with the same leftover wood. We were able to find thick cardboard from the recycle dumpster to put up behind the cork board to protect the wall. We are all loving this space already. :)
Saturday, October 8, 2011
Off Leash
Friday, October 7, 2011
Thursday, October 6, 2011
Moo is an old soul in our house. He's been around for so many years, I remind the kids he's seen them all come home as the newborns they once were. He's like a grandfather cat..if there's such a thing:) I love how he always shows up for music hour & never misses an opportunity to snuggle or get a pat. He has such a sweet presence, I hope he teaches Sally & Lou all of the life lessons he's learned. He's probably close to fifteen years old..we found him in our parking lot when we lived in Carrboro around 1997. He was hiding under a car. I remember how sweet he was then & introducing him to Outlaw, out first kitty. They would become friends & he would become part of our family. He's lived in every home John & I have shared except one...McKimmon Rd. He's a sweet reminder of the past & I hope he lives for many more years to come.
Wednesday, October 5, 2011
Ten Simply
Tuesday, October 4, 2011
Oscar & other things
Oscar the sock monkey came home for an overnight visit a few nights back. He is a very cool monkey that is part of Maddie's class this year. Oscar even has a book about one of his adventures, "The Big Adventure of a Little Sock Monkey." We weren't allowed to leave Oscar alone, so he came along to Jack's soccer game. Here they are:)
Speaking of overnight visits. My sweet boy is on his first overnight trip to a Camp with all of his fourth graders tonight. Happy for him to have a great adventure with his classmates, but missing him already!
Monday, October 3, 2011
October ago..
This song speaks to a generation, I think. We were all the bully or bullied..still I suppose. But in our informational age, everyone gets to see & hear the horrors of what happens when bullies get out-bulled. Was it always this bad, or was it Columbine that woke up the media? No answer for that, but it's ironic that this song makes you want to dance & sings such sad verses.
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