Friday, February 25, 2011

Snow Day..

I'm not sure how many more of these I can take...sun, warmth, i need you!!!

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

the sweater

this is the sweater that i am trying to's so hard to rip out the entire yoke because i was #*&(*@!!! atleast it's big & he can wear it next fall/winter, right?

Sunday, February 20, 2011

My February Cardi:) & knitty ramble...

I'm so excited about my February Cardigan. It's done!!! I've worn it everyday since Friday! After, some advice about care for the wool, Thanks Kate aka yarnchef:)! It really feels good. It was a bit itchy, so she suggested soaking it in hair conditioner. Why didnt I think of that..wool=hair, right! After soaking it, it's much softer & less itchy. After washing the wool really stretched out & fit much better & grew alot in length. Here's the link to the pattern by Pamela Wynne.. I found over at
I think I got in the groove of the gull lace pattern about 1/2 way through, so it wasnt as painstaking as I thought it may end of being. I'm hoping for better pictures when I can take some outside.

I'm also excited to start the Amelia sweater by Laura Chau.
I'm hoping to buy a merino wool from Kate over at I love the dandelion in the cafe au lait section.

Looking at my knit/work basket, I'm sad that there's no real project happening right now. Jack's pullover is staring me down...screaming FIX ME!! So I think I will work on that & make a few simple projects...slippers(thanks lana for the inspiration & a few can never have too many in Ohio) before I start the "amelia."cts

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

A tea party

The kids asked me this week if they could play with some of the dishes in the china cabinet.., my initial reaction, uh, no:) but then i thought, there's nothing that important in there & I remember my grandma letting me play in that same china cabinet. just opening it & smelling the wood takes me back to her house. So I let them. So glad I did, when we found their little tea party going on in Maddie's room. Looks like quite a party:)

Saturday, February 12, 2011

The Illusionist

We all went to see this today...what a beautiful film!

Friday, February 11, 2011

Goon Squad

I finished "A Visit From the Goon Squad" by Jennifer Egad last night. I really liked this book. I'm not sure I can do a good job describing this complex story that is intertwined with short stories. I can say though, I cant stop thinking about it! I'm excited to talk about it at book club next month. It was kind of like listening to an album that started off sounding really good, interesting & then new musicians showed up & changed the whole sound, but I kept listening & realized at the end they were part of an orchestra that made me cry, want to get up & leave, & left me feeling really nostalgic.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

A point of view..

it must be hard being so little, always looking up. i wonder this sometimes. i squat & look them in the eyes, trying not to seem obvious. it must be hard to wonder what it feels like to be so tall. they stretch on their tippy toes to see the view a few inches away. wondering what it must look like up there. remember when you wanted to be a grown up, have wings, drive a those books your mom always kept on the top shelf. what the world looks like as a kid is so beautiful, isnt it?

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Birthday Party Planning..

My Maddie will be six in a few weeks! Every year I wonder how another year could've passed by so quickly. It seems so cliche to say, "but time really does fly" Especially in the eyes of parents, who do often see their kids as the little babies they once were. I'm reminded each day, she really is turning six this year. Me, the parent of a 6 & 9 year old...John & I can't possibly be aging as quickly??

With a birthday party, comes a big celebration!!! This year, Maddie wanted to invite her whole class, plus more. YIKES! Yes..she loves her friends. I searched for places that could accommodate 25+ kids..& came up with our our lovely zoo..right down the road. Perfect! She is super excited & I'm actually excited about the planning of all this because they take care of everything..even the cake.

My friend, Lana sent us beautiful handmade cards for Maddie to assemble & color for her invitations!! She & Jack had so much fun coloring, gluing & decorating them! Thank you Lana!!! I miss your stamping nights. Take a look at the invites :)

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

February Cardi..

I was so excited to try on my "February Lady" sweater yesterday! Got the body done, bound off..exciting!!, since it was a big step for me to do a lace pattern. I still was off a lot on the consistency of the "gull lace" pattern, however, the mistakes made along the way are hard to notice if you aren't familiar with the gull lace. I like it..a bit small past the bust line, but still wearable. I'm off to do the sleeves ahhh.. maybe it should be a "february" vest") we'll see! I am excited to pick out cool buttons for it & start on the "Amelia" pattern!

Sunday, February 6, 2011


Even Maddie is dreaming of spring:) She drew this Saturday & it made me smile. The picture is hard to see..but the left corner says SPRING:)

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Rosa Hat

Thanks Amanda @ for this awesome pattern! Love the way it turned out!! Made a pair of wrist warmers to match for a friends bday:)

Friday, February 4, 2011

One Moment from the week..

Moo..our old man:) poor guy lived his younger years in NC & now has to suffer through the long Ohio winters. He much prefers the inside these days...usually by the heat vent sleeping. Here is he Mooster!

Thursday, February 3, 2011


I don't remember loving Barbies as a kid. I remember playing with them, but I much prefered stuffed animals or my favorite, jenny doll. Wonder what happened to Jenny? But Barbie's only seem to get more & more popular every year. Maddie has quite a collection.. This week they all went to see a show..see if you can spot some celebrites in the crowd:)

Wednesday, February 2, 2011


With so much time spent inside this week, my knitting projects are coming right along!! I started the "february lady sweater" with that awesome blue wool I got for my birthday:) It's become more of a "kelly style" lace pattern since there were several rows that were not coming out evenly with the gull lace..still i knit on..., following the pattern, hoping for something creative to come out in the end. You never know where your mistakes can lead


Thanks to Amanda over at, I started the " Rosa Hat" for someone special. Loving the "faux cable" rows.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Pictures from our "Ice Day"

Jack went out this morning & got some pretty cool pix of all the ice we got overnight. These are some of my favorites.